Today's collection of new rugs were all made with fabric from t-shirts! I combined scraps I received from Krista (have you checked our her etsy store yet? She's got a great way to actually ENJOY all those t-shirts you have collected, but don't wear anymore, but also can't seem to part with). Yeah, I combined scraps from Krista with t-shirts I have been collecting from thrift stores from here.
Brick Red Rug - Yup, a rectangle! They are more fun to make than I thought. But I'd like to be able to get them straighter and less wobbly looking. I think it will just take time.

Earthy Tones Rug - I love that mossy green center.

Red Skull Rug - It has 4 teeth! One of the things about not having any patterns written down is that things turn out a little bit different each time. I'm not sure if one ever had 4 teeth before, they usually have 3.

So, I'm feeling thankful for the friends who help me out with fabric hunting and collecting. Krista, as you can see, has been super awesome giving me her t-shirt scraps. I have another awesome friend too. Lisa, who you may know as PoorLulu of Stabby Critters has recently opened up a vintage store on etsy called Lulu's Shabby Frippary. Since she has a new hobby of shopping for her shop at her local thrift stores (sadly far far away from me), I asked her if she'd see if they had any brown fabric for me since I have a never ending need for brown fabric. She found tons and is mailing it to me RIGHT NOW! I'm so lucky to have such great friends.