So, what the hell is this, anyway?

This is an experiment. I'm trying to meld the zine style of the old etchouse.com with some more traditional blogging elements. All the old stuff will still be around, but in new forms. Instead of a 1500-word Capital Ideas, for instance, you may get a series of short vignettes. You'll also get a lot more infofiltering action as I and others direct you to fun stuff elsewhere on the interweb.

Plus, you get to play along, as I have acceded to the wiles of Movable Type, which means commenting is now available. Everybody wins! And as I continue to learn about MT, CSS and RSS, things can only get better!

Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2004:03:12:16:39


Candy said:

Great new look! Nice to be able to hear your voice again.

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