The "handover of power" took place today, two days ahead of schedule. Why?

The U.S.-led coalition in Iraq handed sovereignty to an interim government in an unannounced Baghdad ceremony called two days ahead of schedule to thwart terrorists amid a spate of bombings.

Yes, Paul Wolfowitz was right. Everything's going swimmingly, and those media cowards just won't leave Baghdad to find out the truth. That's why we had to do this ceremony under a shroud of subterfuge.

Ignoring for the moment that no country can be considered sovereign if it cannot compel foreign armies to leave its territory, how can this be considered anything but a photo op if it's being rescheduled to confuse rebel fighters? Don't fret -- I'm sure our trusted media officials will find a way. Also, please don't expend any energy wondering how much this has to do with the Supreme Court's ruling that "enemy combatants" held at Camp X-Ray do, in fact, have rights.

Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2004:06:28:14:07