It appears that Diebold voting machines went all to hell during Georgia's primary elections on July 20.

We had a poll watcher in every precinct, informed and trained with the things to look for and how to address the problems the moment they cropped up. We insured the law was followed to the letter.

The calls from the poll watchers began promptly at 7:00 AM with every irregularity, improper behavior and machine malfunction they saw reported to the attorneys.

One precinct reported almost upon opening of the polls that all machines (10) were failing. Voters inserted the access card and the card was immediately ejected. The pollwatcher reported that voters were offered provisional paper ballots, but they were prepared with only 25 of these ballots and ran out within 10 minutes. It took almost 2 hours to rectify the situation even though our HQ personnel reported it to the County office immediately.

The report continues with more detailed information about breakdowns related to, among other things, overheating. What does Georgia's Secretary of State have to say about it? "It was a very ordinary primary election day."

Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2004:07:25:10:07