I've been hearing a lot from people about how my column seems to have gone missing from etchouse. Well, here's the thing: etchouse.com isn't exactly itself anymore, in case you haven't noticed. So, I've been thinking about what I needed to do to still get information out to you, my loyal readers. I would like to couch this whole thing in stories about how I've been doing all sorts of research and attending seminars on how better to dispense my sooth to the masses, but it'd be a blatant lie.

The truth is, I've been getting laid.

The thing about new relationships is that it's easy to blow off a lot of other committments that a person may have made previously. Frankly, I've had a lot of other shit to do and dealing with problems other than my own wasn't real high on the list. Not that it still is, mind you, but I've been needing a voice again lately, and I'm getting back on the horse.

There are a lot of things I'd like to rant about today, but the one I'm going to focus on is something that is bothering me right now. Yes, that's right. Corporate America sucks.

Myriad items of suck, but among the biggest offenders today is People Who Break Things and Want Me to Fix Them.

What I am referring to are those people in corporations who decide to launch a new process or iniative that completely FUBARs the one already in place. Then, inevitably, they are asked to correct the problem that their own lack of foresight caused. How is it that their solution almost always seems to involve the people who are inconvenienced doing double the work that the old, unbroken system required?

If I pulled a stunt like that, my corporate masters would be all over me in a metter of seconds. Then I, and I alone, would be told to rectify the problems that I caused. How do these other morons get away with it? I don't know, but I'd sure like to find out.

Posted by ::: 2004:10:08:15:47