Fantasy X.
This guy calls up and tells me that he is driving between El Paso and Dallas, TX.
"Oh, are you a trucker?" I ask.
"Uh, no. Not a trucker." He replied.
After a few more "Are you a...?" questions and "Why are you driving....?" on my part he finally admits to me that he is a professional athlete. Not one in the 4 major sports though (hockey, football, basketball, or baseball).
"What are you then?"
"A professional bowler."
Now, I haven't consulted the dictionary yet, but I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't call bowling a sport and I wouldn't call bowlers athletes. But anyways....
"Oh, like that movie? King Pin?"
"Yeah, right." he says.
Here is where my natural curiosity kicks in and I just start asking questions...
"So, what size ball do you bowl with?"
He explains that everyone pretty much throws a 15 lb ball. I ask if throwing a 14 lb ball meant you were a pussy. He thought yes. I ask if throwing a 16 lb ball was a sign that you were compensating for a small dick. He said yup, that was called "Man Weight."
"What color is your ball?" I ask.
Again, this has a much more detailed answer than I expected. I was hoping it was green, because that is my favorite color. But it wasn't. He said you have to bowl with a lot of different balls.
"Why, because they don't get through fast enough?"
"No, because there are different conditions on the lane."
"Like what?"
"Well, mainly the amount of oil on the lane."
We talk about how there is a lot more to bowling than people think and how it is all about physics.
"Have you ever bowled a 300?"
"Yeah, I bowled 2 this week." He said.
"Have you ever picked up a 7-10 spilt?"
"Yup, twice."
"Wow, only twice in your whole bowling career?"
We go on and talk some more about form and practicing and how he got 6th place but only bowlers 1st-4th get to be on TV. Maybe next time.
We are going on and on, up to 10 minutes already. For you money conscious, that is about $40 already.
"So, what would you say is the most important muscle involved in bowling?" I ask.
No immediate answer, so I add, "Besides your brain, I mean."
Click. And that was the end of that.