Marion "Pat" Robertson, on CNN's Late Edition:

The elimination of Roe v. Wade won't stop abortion. Abortion's a private decision. But I just think it shouldn't be federalized.

On the surface, this sounds like more of the ridiculous, late-model pander from the nutcase right that posits that an overturned Roe won't lead to abortion being outlawed absolutely everywhere, but only in those godliest of states. That's if you focus on the "shouldn't be federalized" part.

But come on -- "private decision" is where it's at. The logic that the Fake-Reverend Robertson is displaying here is the very essence of what it means to pro-choice. "Abortion's a private decision." Marion wants us to read that, somehow, as being up to a women, her doctor and her Governor. But that's not what "private" means, and I hope someone -- anyone, I mean I'll take fucking Geraldo if that's what it takes -- calls him on it.

Oh yeah, he also said that Hugo Chavez "sent $1.2 million in cash to Osama bin Laden right after 9/11." How does he know this? "Well, sources that came to me. That's what I was told." The same place Dobson learned about Harriet Miers' double-secret qualifications?

Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2005:10:10:23:39


mom2 said:

That would be Karl Rove...and they're proud of getting Dobson's "blessing" on the nomination BEFORE they even got Meirs to sign on the dotted line. Blasphemy!

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