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When I mentioned in the last post that Waking Ashland had only two particularly good songs, this is one of the songs I was talking about (the other, "Silhouettes," didn't get played). Unfortunately, the singer had to take the the soaring vocal part down an octave because he was having throat problems or something -- they wound up not being able to do an encore because of it.
Even though Waking Ashland didn't do that much for me, I was kind of impressed overall by the show that the Journey put together. Five bands for $7 is almost always a good deal (though I suspect it means the band themselves were criminally underpaid) and that kind of variety means you likely to find something new to enjoy. The last of the opening bands was Agent Sparks -- who I later found out had formed out of the ashes of Audiovent, of all things -- who Emily really got into, so I think it was $7 well spent.
Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2006:05:11:08:00
I like Waking Ashland so much!their music is so great,thank you for your ideo.I'm so envious of you that you can see their live,if you meet them again,please tell them there is a girl in China like them and their music so much,thank you once again!
thank you for you video,I type a wrong word,sorry.