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Margot & the Nuclear So and So's
"Vampires in Blue Dresses" from The Dust of Retreat Live at Memorial Union Terrace Madison, WI July 13, 2006 ![]() |
These guys sort of just appeared out of nowhere, and now I'm seeing them all over the place. After seeing their odd name on the Terrace schedule, I gave them a listen and approved of what I heard. Now they have early fall dates scheduled in Madison again and Milwaukee, they were recently featured on AOL and they seem to have the ears of several prominent MP3 bloggers. Their recently re-issued debut, The Dust of Retreat, has attracted something of a following, apparently, as this was the last song of their Terrace set with relatively few people standing up by the stage. Perhaps they're the next big OMG! Teh Internets Make U Like Weird Bandz!!! story?
Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2006:07:31:08:00