NO!: THE BOX SOCIAL (#216, JAN 6 2007).

The Box Social

"Some Kind of Hate" (12.2 MB)
(The Misfits)

King Club
Madison, WI
January 18, 2007


I noted a couple weeks ago that I'd gone to a show at the Loft and gotten almost all useless footage because of the camera's less-than-capable built-in mic. In fact, this clip was the only salvageable thing out of an hour or so of footage that featured four different bands. And even this -- just Box Social singer Nick Junkunc and his guitar -- is almost too much in places. The needle tips into the red a bit when the lyrics peek, which makes me really thankful for those little bootlegger mics I found.

Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2007:01:29:08:00