NO!: ROBBERS ON HIGH STREET (#290, JUL 14 2007).

Robbers on High Street

"Love Underground" (14.1 MB)
from Tree City

High Noon Saloon
Madison, WI
July 14, 2007

In perhaps not my wisest move ever, I decided to go to this show even though it was the night before I flew to Boston for two weeks -- in my defense, it was an afternoon flight, but there was still packing and planning (and video encoding!) to do in the morning. I'm glad I went though -- leaving before the headliners played helped -- because I was able to spend a lot of my travel time re-appreciating tunes like this one from their first album, but also listening to their new one with a different perspective afforded by the live show. On my first few listens to it, I was really disappointed, but I'm finding it a lot more enjoyable now.

Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2007:08:03:08:00