NO!: MARGOT & THE NUCLEAR SO AND SO'S (#185, OCT 26 2006).

Margot & the Nuclear So and So's

"Talking in Code" (24.3 MB)
from The Dust of Retreat

Live at
Club 770
Madison, WI
October 26, 2006


At the beginning of this clip, Margot singer Richard Edwards notes how cool it is that Union South has a bar downstairs, and challenges any and all comers to venture down to take him on in foosball after the set. I don't know if anybody did, but I do there were noticeably fewer people around for the Elected's set afterwards. We thought about going down to take the challenge ourselves, but quickly realized that we were way too tired for that shit.

Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2006:11:16:08:00

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