NO!: THE ELECTED (#186, OCT 26 2006).

The Elected

"Would You Come With Me" (16.4 MB)
from Sun, Sun, Sun

Live at
Club 770
Madison, WI
October 26, 2006


This was our second Elected show of the year -- we saw them open for Metric back in April -- and I remain unimpressed. It's not that they're bad. I actually kind of enjoy both this song and the one I recorded before, "I'll Be Your Man." But they're so inconsequential -- when I listen to Sun, Sun, Sun I have a really hard time picking out which song is which, and when one stops and another begins. It seems like they're constructing an atmosphere more than making music, which is fine as far as it goes, but wasn't enough to keep us at this show for more than a couple songs into their set.

Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2006:11:17:08:00

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