NO!: MAPS AND ATLASES (#190, DEC 8 2006).

Maps and Atlases

"The Most Trustworthy Tin Cans" (20.8 MB)
from Tree, Swallows, Houses

Live at
Club 770
Madison, WI
December 8, 2006

Back when I worked a 9-to-5 job and first found myself with nigh-unlimited time to peruse the Internet for new music, I briefly dabbled in the Chicago post-rock/math-rock scene that was home to the likes of Tortoise, Joan of Arc and the Sea and Cake. This dabbling lasted for about a day. I imagine it would've lasted longer if Maps and Atlases had been around then. They actually sound much more like an amped-up version of Minus the Bear than any of those Chicago bands but they fit the scene well and seem to already be generating a bit of a following, based on how the crowd at this show responded to them.

Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2006:12:14:08:00

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