NO!: AMBULETTE (#201, DEC 9 2006).


"If You Go Away" (42.0 MB)
from The Lottery

Live at
Der Rathskeller
Madison, WI
December 9, 2006


This epic closer marked the end of the Fest for me. Hockey Night were coming up next, but it was already a busy end-of-semester weekend, and I didn't really need to stick around for Pavement-meets-Byrds until 9:30. This also meant not seeing the Joanna Newsom headlining show, which I was fine with, and which turned out to be a good thing, since it became such an uncoordinated mess. All in all, what I saw of this Fest was terrific -- nobody as exciting for me as Maritime and Rainer Maria, but good local acts, compelling established names and a great new discovery. Bring on the next one!

Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2006:12:29:08:00

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