Upon providing a username and password -- js90pride/hsidnats -- he saw a list of other chatters and a quickly scrolling log of what they were saying.

"is Dr. Minter here yet?!?!??"

"FReep says some fucking towlheads definteily sent the anthreax, guys"


A couple minutes after the scheduled 10:30 start time, a moderator entered the fray. "Thanks for coming out, everyone," came across the screen, "I'll be relaying your questions to Dr. Minter, so fire away."

The chatters wasted no time. Just in the time it took Jason to reach into a nearby backpack and pull out a think paperback, the others had asked what Minter thought of the reduced role of Colin Powell on the international stage, the state of college sports, the likelihood of the United States attacking England if they don't support an attack on Iraq and two black actors winning Academy Awards. The answers, when they came, zipped quickly by. Jason was too busy flipping through the book, Minter's A GREATER SOCIETY, to notice. He was looking for a section called "Family and the Encroaching Enemy." When he found it, the pages were almost wet with yellow highlights.

"Dr. Minter," Jason typed, "in AGS you talk a lot about cutting off family ties when neccessary. What about if you can't because you're too young?"

He waited for a response. And waited. Minter had a sizeable backlog of questions to plow through but eventually Jason's got to him. "JS90PRIDE: Growing up proud in a compromised household can be extremely difficult. Spreading the truth about white pride in your immediate family may not work as well as reaching out to your extended family. Aunts, uncles, cousins and especially grandparents."

Jason couldn't help but let out a muted giggle. He closed the chat, turned off the monitor and closed his eyes to thank God.


"Jason, come on, you need to get changed, get ready to go." Jason was flat on the living room couch, right limbs hanging off.

"Where's dad?" he moaned towards the kitchen.

"He had a late meeting, he's going to meet us there." Julie finished with her Tupperware and emerged. "Come on, now; those clothes are a mess. There are some decent ones laid out on your bed."

Jason sighed loudly, showing the purposefulness of a child with no purpose. "Why do we have to get dressed up and go over there at all?"

"Because she's my sister and your aunt, she's in love and wants us to meet her boyfriend. Now move--"

"Yeah, like that's gonna last. She won't be happy until she gets herself a good white man."

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