Sophie Says Sooth (2002.09.23): "Perhaps you've heard of cities? They're large places where people from many different areas gather and live together. Cities have things like 'stores,' wherein one can buy goods and services, and 'houses,' pre-made dwellings that one can just move into."

Matriculation Reloaded (2002.09.22): "[W]e had to write a one-page paper for 658 that demonstrated an understanding for the process of data analysis. As a result, I have now written one of the sentences I never thought I'd get around to: 'I have defined 'alone' as sitting at a table by oneself.'"

Sophie Says Sooth (2002.09.16): "While you wouldn't think that Jell-O wrestling would be some kind of a state secret, you'd be wrong. The actual advent of the glorious sport known throughout the world as Jell-O wrestling has origins that lay buried beneath the sands of time, shrouded forever in mystery."

Juliana Hatfield / Gold Stars 1992-2002: "As interesting and important as it is, though, I never would have bought it had I not found a copy for $10 at a used record store called Nuggets in Boston. I have all of Juliana's solo records, which means I have all the would-be hits including here."

Transmetropolitan: Back on the Street: "Spider Jerusalem, despite generally coming off as a PCP-addicted version of Daffy Duck, is a very deep character in terms of moral core and values. Such is the case when Spider lashes out at the womanizing leader of the Transient community regarding his abuse of authority over the Transients and his habit of knocking up his female followers."

Kay Hanley / Cherry Marmalade: "When the tenth track, 'Galapagos,' came on, I nearly tuned the road out entirely. It's one of those tracks that comes by once every few years, saying exactly what your inner siren is trying to express at exactly the right time; for me, the last one was Juliana's 'Choose Drugs' in the spring of 2000."

San Diego Comic-con 2002: Part 1: "A lot of it sounded like standard conspiracy theory bullshit; I would like to believe him about the income taxes, though. Apparently it has something to do with the improper ratification of the 16th Amendment and taxing our privilege of earning money."

"Glamour Hose": A 14-piece photographic series from Natalie Meyer

"Pixel Worship": A new short narrative work from Aaron Veenstra


You may have noticed that updates seem to have stopped. Yeah. Turns out you have to actually do work to be a grad student. Don't freak; part two of the San Diego report is coming, regular columns are still regular. The revolution is still being blogged.


Sophie's gotten some weird questions over the many months but this week's bit about African traditions takes the prize as the weirdest. I'm sure it'll stay on top for a while but remember, Sophie welcomes all your weird questions.


When I was an undergrad, I was on quarters instead of semesters. I'm not sure if it's more difficult to trudge through the staid parts of a 15-week session than a 10-week but this week I'm on the way to finding out.

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