Sophie Says Sooth (2002.12.16): "Did she honestly think the whole traipse around Asia thing was really going to happen? Didn't she realize that everyone talks like that, but really ends up in some sort of suburban house, driving an SUV and commuting to work?"

Matriculation Reloaded (2002.12.15): "At the bar on Friday somebody from the 970 project was surprised to find out that I have no interest in becoming one of those research prof lifers. Apparently I bore the stench of the academy to such a degree that she had to remark three times how shocked she was that I didn't care about becoming a doctor."

Sophie Says Sooth (2002.12.09): "You will notice, however, that coupons commonly printed off various web sites typically have no cash value whatsoever. This is because the Internet is useless and no one cares anything about e-commerce."

Oz: The Complete First Season: "Oz walks the fine line between homoerotic soap opera for men and a quasi-realistic exploration of the power structure inside one of America's maximum security prisons. While Oz possesses a premise that would make it a definite franchise show (as well as one that would get various parental watchdog groups up in arms and out for blood), it remains the red-headed stepchild of HBO."

Juliana Hatfield / Gold Stars 1992-2002: "As interesting and important as it is, though, I never would have bought it had I not found a copy for $10 at a used record store called Nuggets in Boston. I have all of Juliana's solo records, which means I have all the would-be hits including here."

Transmetropolitan: Back on the Street: "Spider Jerusalem, despite generally coming off as a PCP-addicted version of Daffy Duck, is a very deep character in terms of moral core and values. Such is the case when Spider lashes out at the womanizing leader of the Transient community regarding his abuse of authority over the Transients and his habit of knocking up his female followers."

San Diego Comic-con 2002: Part 1: "A lot of it sounded like standard conspiracy theory bullshit; I would like to believe him about the income taxes, though. Apparently it has something to do with the improper ratification of the 16th Amendment and taxing our privilege of earning money."

"Glamour Hose": A 14-piece photographic series from Natalie Meyer

"Pixel Worship": A new short narrative work from Aaron Veenstra


I'm late, late, late getting Sophie up this week; final projects, exams and whatnot are taking their toll on my schedule. But now she's here and ready to go, with some terrific advice for trophy wife-seeking dads everywhere.


Last Matriculation Reloaded of the semester is here, with a look ahead to the winter break. Maybe a column or too coming while school's out, maybe not.

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