Sophie Says Sooth (2003.03.17): "I'm interested in a lot of things, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm cut out to do them. If that were the case, I'd be the starting goalie for the Detroit Red Wings. You know what? Dave Lewis is still not calling me."

Sophie Says Sooth (2003.03.10): "Do you mean a family room, for reading, watching TV, and general hanging out in? Or are you referring to a formal living room for use pretty much only when company comes over who you're not suitably comfortable with to invite into the TV room? I don't much like the idea of the latter, so I'm going to pretend we're looking at the former then."

Sophie Says Sooth (2003.02.24): "Every apartment inhabited by a young college graduate contains one, too. Usually they originate in someone's parents' basement, but even that isn't always the case. Somewhere in the 70's when all of those drugs were floating around, someone spilled some on the couches, who soaked it up and achieved sentience. Now they breed."

Matriculation Reloaded (2003.02.23): "The Doctor uses scrap to sculpt, though he says he doesn't really sculpt, he's a 'time-binder.' Everything he's got gets put together like Tinker Toys. Furthermore, he prefers curves and arches to straight lines. It's hard to manuever straight lines into an energy force."

Flick Chick - "Haiku Tunnel," "The Bourne Identity" & "About a Boy": "He learns the value of having friends and family and being there for each other. Let's all get it out on the table right now... awww. You know how the movie is going to end, and you pretty much figure out how the precocious boy will get him there, but with this enjoyable and funny movie you can enjoy the trip."

Rainer Maria / Long Knives Drawn: "Why can't you understand? Why can't you feel the same? She's making an implicit demand and it's an absurd one. 'I was thinking we could go and live/In a monastery.' But whomever she's singing to won't answer, even though they both know what the answer is."

Flick Chick - "The Hours" & "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind": "I'm sure it was more fun to participate in than to watch. I guess I could stretch and say that the concept of tying the three storylines together was clever, but the movie is just a flat-out adaptation of the book, which means the book is clever, not the screenplay."

Flick Chick - "Undercover Brother" & "Blood Work": "He aids the sister of the girl from whom he received his heart. She wants to find the man who murdered her sister. Clint takes the case out of guilt and probably because he leads a boring life with nothing better to do."

Music in 2002: And So On: "This is music about the inside of a 16-year-old girl's head, soaked in peers and suffocating in small town Canada. How dare we ask it to be not-16 when it's 16-ness is so vital and crisp? Were we never 16? Did we never invest ourselves in crushes and warn the world we were coming so watch the fuck out?"

Music in 2002: Top 15 Albums: "I don't think more than two of these records would have made last year's top ten. In a year crowded with good records, 2002 had little greatness to offer. It was a time in which disposable music dominated -- I can't remember why I bought some of the records I bought this year."

San Diego Comic-con 2002: Part 1: "A lot of it sounded like standard conspiracy theory bullshit; I would like to believe him about the income taxes, though. Apparently it has something to do with the improper ratification of the 16th Amendment and taxing our privilege of earning money."

"Glamour Hose": A 14-piece photographic series from Natalie Meyer

"Pixel Worship": A new short narrative work from Aaron Veenstra


Hey, remember when I used to write things? Yeah, that was great. Like this new review of Rainer Maria's new record -- I used to write stuff like that all the time. Ah, memories.


It's Spring Break here in Madison, which means I've finally got the time to make this site look like it's fully operational. Yes, there is full-on content coming this week. First up: Ninja!

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