Sophie Says Sooth (2002.09.02): "Avoid graduation at all possible costs. This may sound crazy now, but by the time you're out of school for a year you'll know exactly what I'm talking about and you'll really start to miss caring about back-to-school sales. Enjoy this time while you can."

Sophie Says Sooth (2002.08.26): "When you call your children unexpectedly, do not express concern if they were out until 4, 5 or 6 AM. They are now the masters of their own bedtimes. If someone of the opposite sex answers the telephone at 7 AM on a Sunday, say nothing."

Sophie Says Sooth (2002.08.19): "It was once required that ten witnesses be present at a marriage ceremony to outsmart jealous demons. (I don't know who really thought this would work but let's play along for the sake of the story.) Bridesmaids dressed similarly to the bride and groomsmen's attire resembled the groom's in an attempt to confuse the spirits who wanted to harm the couple."

Kay Hanley / Cherry Marmalade: "When the tenth track, "Galapagos," came on, I nearly tuned the road out entirely. It's one of those tracks that comes by once every few years, saying exactly what your inner siren is trying to express at exactly the right time; for me, the last one was Juliana's "Choose Drugs" in the spring of 2000."

Silverchair / Diorama: "Musically, it is one of the best of the year. Rich orchestrations sweep across beautifully arranged songs, a feat quite remarkable for a band unaccustomed to such complex string and horn work. This is due, in part, to help from the legendary Van Dyke Parks, whose resume boasts such names as U2 and the Beach Boys."

Miniviews 2002.08.02: "While reining his noodling tendencies way in for the two Guided By Voices records released by TVT, his side projects exploded. The Fading Captain series, home to numerous collaborations and throw-away 7" singles, has probably had a release or three just since you started reading this piece."

San Diego Comic-con 2002: Part 1: "A lot of it sounded like standard conspiracy theory bullshit; I would like to believe him about the income taxes, though. Apparently it has something to do with the improper ratification of the 16th Amendment and taxing our privilege of earning money."

"Glamour Hose": A 14-piece photographic series from Natalie Meyer

"Pixel Worship": A new short narrative work from Aaron Veenstra


Sometimes you set out to write a record review and it turns into something entirely else. And while my review of Kay Hanley's solo debut, Cherry Marmalade, isn't as far out there as Glenn McDonald's review of Juliana Hatfield's Bed, which turned into an erstwhile marriage proposal, it is just about as close as you're going to get to a Boston trip report from me. So, go on; experience it.


It's finally here -- the oft-delayed (by the bad and evil editor, I should point out) first part of Sharon Harney's San Diego Comic-con report. This first segment doesn't actually contain much nerdery to laugh at but there are some insect hijinks and the promise of ha ha to come.


All right, I think we're back on track here. I've got some actual content to release this week and a lot of open time in which to write more. Plus, I'm trying to decide what the best way would be to chronicle my beginning grad student experience. Keep your eyes peeled and I promise I'll put something in front of them.

Meanwhile, it's Labor Day but Sophie's still working to make sure new college freshmen know what's what. If you're dreading dorm life, research papers and the lack of money, check out what she has to say.

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