Sophie Says Sooth (2003.01.13): "There is nothing wrong with having a large Adam's apple; it really doesn't do anything, anyway. The only time that this really is a hindrance to a man is when he is doing his utmost not to look like one. It's a dead giveaway that will ruin the most convincing of drag performances."

Sophie Says Sooth (2003.01.06): "Now don't go getting all huffy at me and telling me that it's not "porn," it's just "adult entertainment and marital aids." Bullshit. It's porn and porn accessories and you want in on it. It's okay. You must be a woman, by the way. No man alive would think that wanting to watch adult videos is abnormal."

Sophie Says Sooth (2002.12.30): "You may as well ask me how to get the hippo out of your bathtub or what methods you can use to make right-wing Christians have an open mind. Same set of answers all around, I'm afraid. I can't believe that you didn't know that."

Flick Chick - "Catch Me If You Can" & "Chicago": "Jones' musical stage training really has paid off, ten fold. The only weak point in the casting was Richard Gere. His songs just fell flat and he is too severe for this part. I wish they could have found an actor who was capable of pulling off the numbers versus someone whom they could highlight on the marquee."

Oz: The Complete First Season: "Oz walks the fine line between homoerotic soap opera for men and a quasi-realistic exploration of the power structure inside one of America's maximum security prisons. While Oz possesses a premise that would make it a definite franchise show (as well as one that would get various parental watchdog groups up in arms and out for blood), it remains the red-headed stepchild of HBO."

Juliana Hatfield / Gold Stars 1992-2002: "As interesting and important as it is, though, I never would have bought it had I not found a copy for $10 at a used record store called Nuggets in Boston. I have all of Juliana's solo records, which means I have all the would-be hits including here."

San Diego Comic-con 2002: Part 1: "A lot of it sounded like standard conspiracy theory bullshit; I would like to believe him about the income taxes, though. Apparently it has something to do with the improper ratification of the 16th Amendment and taxing our privilege of earning money."

"Glamour Hose": A 14-piece photographic series from Natalie Meyer

"Pixel Worship": A new short narrative work from Aaron Veenstra


I'm so glad to have been born in the country club of the free.

Slain Pakistani's Family May Be Deported

Like many Americans, the Hasan's, a family from Pakistan, are still coping with the devastating aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks. But their pain is different — they lost a husband and father, killed not by the terrorists but by a white supremacist claiming retribution.

Wakar Hasan had just bought a small convenience store in Dallas in late summer 2001, and expected his family to follow him from New Jersey within months. But just four days after the World Trade Center collapse, Hasan was murdered.

The man who admits to his murder claimed he "did what every American wanted to do but didn't." But Mrs. Husan said neighbors in their New Jersey suburb have proved him wrong. "They are very supportive," said Wakar's wife Durreshashahwar Hasan, also known as Duri. "They came to my house and gave me comfort."

Yet the Hasan family may soon endure more heartache.

Duri and her four daughters have lived in the United States for nine years and had hoped to become citizens. Before his death, Wakar had applied for green cards for all of them, and because he had a work visa they were allowed to live here while waiting for their permanent residency status.

But now that he is dead, they face the very real possibility of deportation to Pakistan.


We've got a new feature today -- it's movie reviews! Kt joins the etc. house family, taking a look at holiday season contenders "Catch Me If You Can" and "Chicago". With movie tickets costing as much as a small car these days, you should probably consult her before heading out to your local cinedrome.


"Research on an autobiography"? That's the wrong answer, Pete.

Friends back Townshend in child porn flap

Friends of rock star Pete Townshend are defending him following reports that he was arrested in London on suspicion of child pornography.

Scotland Yard announced that a 57-year-old man had been arrested on suspicion of making and possessing indecent images of children and of incitement to distribute indecent images of children. Citing anonymous police sources, CNN reported that the suspect was Townshend, but that he had not been charged with a crime as of late Monday.

Police said Townshend was arrested under the Protection of Children Act, and investigators were examining computers taken from his home.

Townshend, the lead guitarist and main songwriter of the legendary band The Who, denied that he is a pedophile.

"I think pedophilia is appalling," Townshend told a reporter for Britain's Press Association. "To fight against pedophilia, you have to know what's out there."

If you're having Adam's apple problems -- and my market research indicates that around 37% of you are -- you have come to just the right place. Sophie is dishing out all the Adam's apple knowledge you could ever possibly need, plus B&B recommendations. Prepare your PDA for jotting.

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